J&S Electronics

Knock Finder - Dyno Timing Control

System Features / Specifications

Knock Controller is active to 10,000 RPM * Ten degrees of knock retard and ten degrees of manual retard * Can retard as much as 3 degrees per ping * Re-advances one degree every twenty revolutions * Rev limit adjustable in 50 RPM steps, read directly from a ten turn dial counter * Four, six, eight cylinder select switch * Knock sensor sensitivity control * Two headphone jacks and a volume control to listen to knock sensor * Display selector switches the display between knock retard and manual retard * Display freeze switch to hold test results * Knock retard disable switch * Manual retard selector switches between retard individual or retard all (use cylinder one control) * Test connector outputs for data collection include sync, clock, and cylinder by cylinder retard voltage.

System Operation

1. Set the distributor to base timing and the manual retard slide controls to zero.

2. Make a pull on the dyno. If knock is present, the controller will show how far each cylinder is being retarded. Use the freeze switch to capture the peak retard amount.

3. Shut down the engine to study the display. If your goal is to "stagger time" the engine, you can use the manual retard controls to "cancelout" the knock retard.

4. Make another pull, and check for any knock retard. If there is none, read the required timing for each cylinder directly off the slide controls.

Son of Knock Finder

We thought you might like to see the precursor to our Knock Finder Dyno Control Unit. These units have been used in development shops like Ken Dutweiller's and various, but unnamed, NASCAR engine builders to develop specialized ignition curves and trick "advancers" for the highest level of competition. We listened to their comments and placed all the asked for features into our newer unit. You have to start somewhere however and for a number of years this was the standard until we raised the bar.