J&S Electronics


Part Numbers / Prices

Ultra SafeGuard - JRSC Honda/Miata
US$ 545.00 (w/o sensor)
Ultra SafeGuard - Turbo Import
US$ 595.00 (w/o sensor)
Delco Knock Sensor - Miata
US$ 40.00
Bosch Knock Sensor - RX-7
US$ 75.00 (w/ shielded cable)
Dual Monitor - 2" Billet
US$ 199.00

Orders and Payment

J&S Electronics pays shipping on pre-paid orders in the continental United States. Please allow one week for processing time after we receive your order. United Parcel Service no longer accepts cash C.O.D.s so all C.O.D. orders must be paid for with exact amount cashier's checks or postal money orders. Knock Finder- Dyno Timing Controls are sold on a prepaid basis only and are shipped six weeks after receipt of order. Contact J&S Electronics for exact shipping chrages on C.O.D. orders. California residents must include appropriate sales taxes. Foreign orders require special packaging and export documentation which incurs an additional US $10.00 charge. Contact J&S Electronics for product availability and shipping data.